Larry Siegel

Profile Updated: March 18, 2021
Residing In: Great Neck, NY USA
Spouse/Partner: pat siegel
Occupation: Retired from NYU
Children/Grandchildren: Daughters Laura and Karen

Four Grandchildren
Yes! Attending Reunion
How I've spent the last 50 years:

Reflecting on "the life,", I guess it can be roughly outlined via a few themes: rootedness; family and friends; learning about the larger world along the way; and the kind of seeking I'm sure all of us have engaged in.

The rootedness may be another way of saying that I've always been nostalgic and, while loving the current moments, devoted to the good memories and wonderful ties of my youth. And so I remain involved with things Erasmus, periodically visit Flatbush, keep in touch with great old friends from the third grade on, and maintain folders on "things to do" on New York City (past and present. incl. restaurants in which to satisfy a life-long love of normal eating and noshing). (Please let me know if you're available as a walker-in-the-city-companion,as I switch to a 3-day per/wk schedule in May. Rootedness, too, through an extremely happy and lucky marriage to my wife Pat and close involvement with my children Laura and Karen (both are talented, wise, and kind, and their devoted husbands, Brian and Charles, who are friends to me, proud to say). And many years in the same home.

Over the same period, however, I did stretch my horizons - more for the sake of learning than out of a need for change - with undergraduate years at Cornell being the first major out-of-Brooklyn (often feeling out-of-body) experience. It was eye-opening and had a life-long impact (although those years only reinforced my desire to live in "the city"). Reading, lectures, and travel whenever possible have been other vehicles for my enthusiasms and curiosity -- and remain sources of ongoing pleasure. And more learning opportunities have come my way through two lovely grandchildren, Julia and Emily, whose own love of learning, questions, and giggles allow me to grow, and to act both mature and silly myself.

All the studies and prophets repeat the refrain of the centrality of friends and family to a "meaningful" life, and in that, too, I've been truly fortunate. My parents shaped and loved me, and in return I gave them, joined by my wife, a long period of intensive, often challenging assistance -- as I'm sure many of you have done as well -- as they declined and our early roles reversed in so many ways. Keeping life-long friends has also been a source of great pleasure, and a pattern, over the years. The time we share together, even when only by phone, brings back strong memories of that lucky childhood in Brooklyn and provides joy and laughs as we share old times and current life experiences.

And then there's been the internal (and eternal!) seeking, trying to make sense of the huge collage of this life and all its "stuff." Learning that there's no one answer to the "meaning of it all" question, or to understanding what impact, if any, I've had through 40-plus years of interesting work, or what legacy I'll leave (and how long could it last, anyway?). Turns out to be just too difficult to fathom or clarify. Writing this out is a bit of a help in that vein. Yet, it's still so difficult that I'm now concluding and heading to the frig for a really big nosh!

With love and warm wishes to all of you - Larry

My favorite Erasmus memories:

Gathering and schmoozing under the arch.

With 7,000 students, always being able to meet new and unique people.

Teachers who were role models and friends: Mrs. Oxman, Mr. Revson,Mr. Balletto, Mr. Campana and others.

Garfield's -- Ellman's and Flatbush Ave on Friday nites -- -- Completing a lifetime's worth of quizzes and exams -- sharing the latest r' n' r hits

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Larry Siegel posted a message.
Nov 10, 2024 at 11:01 AM

Hi Judy - Hoping you're doing well and sending warm regards, Larry Siegel

Larry Siegel added a comment on Profile.
Jul 11, 2022 at 10:57 AM
Larry Siegel posted a message.
Jul 29, 2021 at 11:06 AM

Happy birthday, Ira. I hope you and yours are well - Larry Siegel

Larry Siegel posted a message.
Jul 11, 2021 at 6:43 PM

Hi Bob, I'm hoping all is well with you and Jackie. I'm retired as well and living with my wife Pat in Great Neck. Do get to see Wayne Mirsky and a few other pals from those great days we all shared back. I'm terrible at using this Erasmus site; best is emailing me if you're in the mood at And happy pre-birthday! Larry

Larry Siegel posted a message.
Mar 01, 2020 at 11:58 AM

Hi Ellie - Wishing you a wonderful, healthy year ahead. I'm recovering from back surgery, but hopefully we can connect in the spring in the City. Sending warm regards - Larry Siegel

Larry Siegel posted a message.
Jan 18, 2020 at 12:02 PM

Hi Lynda,

Wishing you a wonderful birthday, Lynda. An hope you're doing well. You were a super Erasmus cheerleader!

Larry Siegel posted a message.
Oct 14, 2018 at 11:08 AM

Hi Jim - happy birthday. I have fond memories of our days in EHHS together. Was journalism one of the classes we took at the same time? I’m retired and live with my wife Pat in Great Neck

Larry Siegel posted a message.
Jan 09, 2017 at 12:33 PM

Hi Joel: Wishing you well on your birthday. Impressed by your inner-city medical work. I believe we were together in Mrs. Fleisher's journalism class. Warm regards - Larry Siegel

Larry Siegel posted a message. New comment added.
Dec 25, 2016 at 4:07 PM

Posted on: Dec 25, 2016 at 11:50 AM

Hi Cary - remembering our neighborhood days together, especially baseball in the Parade Grounds. And wishing you a very happy New Year- Larry Siegel

Larry Siegel posted a message. New comment added.
Dec 15, 2016 at 11:08 AM

Posted on: Dec 14, 2016 at 10:06 PM

You're living a good life, doing good stuff. Hope to see you soon, Bruce

Dec 05, 2016 at 6:33 PM

happy birthday, dear Barrie. Hoping all is well from the now-retired me


Larry Siegel posted a message. New comment added.
Jan 09, 2017 at 12:55 PM

Posted on: Nov 22, 2016 at 10:59 PM

Hi Judy -- Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving -- Still hoping we can get together. I'm retired now, and go into Manhattan from Great Neck at least twice a week -- All the best - Larry Siegel